Monday, November 4, 2013

Bazaar Recap

Everyone who came out to the Bazaar, Thank You so much! We had a great time! There was fabric, sewing patterns, notions, fabric scraps, a rice crispie treat here and there, music! Yay! For those of you who didn't come, you missed a great time. But don't fret, because we will definitely be having another one. This was the sort of thing that we'll be doing again and again.
Many of you that came - and several of you that were unable to - gave some great suggestions for our next Bazaar. Thank you! We'll definitely do a few things differently for next time and we'll post suggestions and ideas for how to use up the stash or get rid of it and we'll also give you good and proper forewarning of the next Bazaar. Thanks a bunch ladies!
I for one came home with some fabric - bad Sunni, BAD! Funny thing is, I took some purple fabric to donate to the Bazaar and look, I came home with two pieces of purple. I must have a thing for purple right now. Ha. What did you all score?

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