Friday, October 25, 2013

Yellow Bird Fabrics Bazaar!

Hello, Hello Everyone! We here at Yellow Bird Fabrics have decided to host a Bazaar or Swap, if you will (doesn't Bazaar have much more penchant to it?). Here's the skinny on how its going to work.

Where: Yellow Bird Fabrics basement
When: Saturday November 2, 11am - 1pm
What: bring your overflowing sewing patterns, fabric and notions to swap or donate to swap
Why: because its time to clean it all out, dontcha think? And why not give it to someone who will use it?
Who: Anyone can come! All are invited!

The Bazaar will be held in conjunction with store hours so that, not only can you come, drop sewing stuff off that you don't want anymore and pick up a few swapped items that you do want, but you can also shop for fabric for that new (to you) sewing pattern you might have just scored. You can also meet people, which is always fun! Yay! Light refreshments will be served! Hip Hip Hooray!

Additionally, the items that you bring to the Bazaar, if not snatched up by another, will be donated for you (isn't that nice???) to the Assistance League Thrift on 33rd. Please come! Even if you don't have anything to swap, come anyway and you might find some new jewels to add to your queue of sewing projects. No cover charge, just free swapping or should we say bazaaring! Note that this event will be free swapping between fellow sewer's destash - we are not swapping merchandise from the shop. And again, free swapping! We are not going to charge to have you come and swap, you don't need to bring anything to swap if you don't have anything but if you do, Yay! Additionally, all swap sewing destash will be free - just know that beforehand.

Please let us know if you have any questions. Bring friends! Let's do this!

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