Monday, June 17, 2013

Like Father, Like Son

For Father's day, I made my husband and son matching shirts. Some people might think that matching your children is kind of dorky and photos like these belong on , but not us. In fact, Andrew encourages it. He has asked me to make more matching outfits, and that's why I love him. 

Matching is nothing new to our little family. As I was looking through photos taken this last month, I found no less than two photos where resembling attire was worn. On May 11th we participated in the Susan G. Komen Race for the cure. To support my amazing aunt with breast cancer, we made shirts that read "We Love our Aunt Dawne." I realize matching for such a race is not unusual, 

but no less than a week later, Alexander and I were somehow harmoniously striped and this time unintentionally. 

What is it with me and matching? I think it all started when I was a kid. My mom would sew matching outfits for all of us. I would always match my sister and my brothers would have identical clothes as well. My mom still does this (lucky grand kids) and apparently, so do I.

Going back almost 8 years, when Andrew and I were first dating, a photo was taken of Andrew and I wearing the same shirt. I believe this instance was also a coincidental matching mishap, but made for a great photo op.

It was later a joke that Andrew and I were twins. It is true, we have the same initials, A.P.R. (Alexander is also A.P.R., also unintentional) and dispite the fact that Andrew and I are two years apart, we still share the same birthday. Wierd, I know. So we just decided to go with it. We would match in our christmas cards, 

on family vacations,

on Halloween,

or just because we are dorks, and we are very happy being dorks together. 

What are your thoughts on matching? Any dorky photos you would like to share?


  1. Hahaha! Love this post. You are all adorable. Can't believe how big and cute he is! Also, I love matching! I used to force my brother to wear matching outfits with me.

    1. Thanks Liz! Come out to Utah sometime and we can wear some matching outfits.

  2. I love the matching outfits! My mom always sewed matching dresses for me and my sister growing up. We hated them then, but now we love dressing like twins.

    1. I made my sister a purse that was lined in the fabric from one of our matching dresses. I wish I had more of that fabric. It was pretty awesome! Thanks for sharing Ariel.

  3. I loved this post!!! You are awesome! Never forget it! I am working on being more like you!

  4. This is such a cute post!! I say match away!
