Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Colette Patterns

My friend, Elizabeth, brought a wonderful pattern into the shop the other day. It was a feminine dress that I would actually want to wear. It looked to be well designed and the pattern guide was extremely well thought out. I was thrilled to see such an inspiring pattern. I immediately sat down and ordered almost all of the Colette Pattern line.Here they are! I am excited to sew one up!
Is there something that you would like us to sell here at Yellow Bird Fabrics? Please let us know. Leave a comment and tell us about your favorite sewing products.


  1. I love Collette patterns! All their designs are just adorable, but I have yet to sew one up for myself.

    As far as independent pattern companies go, I've also been following Sewaholic for a while- I'm working on the jacket right now and I'm excited to see it turn out!

  2. I heard about the Sewaholic patterns from Sunni at http://www.afashionablestitch.com/
    I've heard good things about them. I will check them out. Thanks Jessica, Let me know how the jacket turns out.

  3. I made the Clover pants and they were a disaster (even after 3 muslins) so if you want to do some sort of pants fitting course I am in! I'm not sure all of the patterns are quite my style, but I would make the Lady Grey coat and the Jasmine top.

  4. Pants are an evil thing to make fit. I know I have had many a struggle with my pants. We do offer a pant sloper class. You make a basic pattern from your own measurements and use that to adjust all your commercial patterns to fit. We don't have the sloper class scheduled for the month of February, but I'm sure we can do one in March if you'd like.

  5. This is the first I've heard of Sewaholic. Yay! I'm always looking for new independent patterns. And I agree, Colette's offers designs you REALLY want to wear. My favorite independent patterns come from Jenny Gordy through her company Wikstenmade: http://www.shopwiksten.com/category/sewing-patterns. Her patterns are AWESOME!

    I would like to see more colors in linen at Yellow Bird.
