Since opening the store a year ago, I have been asked this question many times; "where did the name Yellow Bird Fabrics come from?" I do not have a simple answer. What I perceive a yellow bird to be is sentimental to me and may not make sense to everyone. It may be best explained by a book I made for my husband years ago, when we both needed a yellow bird in our lives. Lyrics by M. Ward.
I love the song. A long, long time ago, my favorite aunt made some cool custom jewelry boxes for my sister and I, with the little wind-up music players in back. Mine played Yellow Bird. I always get misty-eyed when I hear it even now. It's magical. It's a beautiful song and a great name for your store!
I love the song. A long, long time ago, my favorite aunt made some cool custom jewelry boxes for my sister and I, with the little wind-up music players in back. Mine played Yellow Bird. I always get misty-eyed when I hear it even now. It's magical. It's a beautiful song and a great name for your store!